Spirited Impact Campaign

What will the impact campaign entail?

Our goal is to build connection, understanding, knowledge-sharing and critical conversations about how we build community and make space for one another.

Our team is developing learning materials and discussion guides to educate the public about the basics of Hmong shamanism. We aim to support younger Hmong Americans, health professionals and the wider public gain a deeper understanding of this traditional spiritual healing practice and some of the social issues connected to the practice.

Once the film is completed, we will host community screenings and discussions. We also aim to provide trainings for professionals serving people from minority communities with cultural spiritual healing practices.

Keep up with the project!

Support the Impact Campaign

We welcome any support we can get for this small community initiative. We welcome donations, sponsors and partners. We invite you to join us through:

  • Funds to help us complete our educational materials and our impact efforts

  • In-kind support: space, services, resources

  • Partnership and sponsors for future community events to screen the film and host panel discussions about the various issues touched upon in the film. Please reach out to us!

Please reach out to us at:


Our Impact Team:


Past funders for the Impact Campaign include:

Minnesota Humanities Center
through their Cultural Identity grant

Minnesota State Arts Board
through their Creative Individuals grant

“This activity is made possible by made possible by the
citizens of Minnesota through appropriations from the
Minnesota State Legislature and federal tax dollars
received from the National Endowment for the Arts.”